An Eye for an Eye

Senior Eye Health: Why Adult Routine Eye Exams Are Important For Senior Citizens

It is not uncommon for seniors to not think about eye health until they develop a problem that sends them to the eye doctor for a checkup. However, neglecting routine eye care exams can have serious repercussions. Routine eye exams are important for early detection of problems that can be treated before they become problematic.

Poor vision can impact your life

Visual symptoms that are neglected may turn into major eye problems that have a drastic impact on how well you can see. Not being able to see clearly can affect your overall quality of life. Loss of vision may lead to depression, lack of socializing, and isolation if you are unable to drive due to vision impairments.

Eye problems are not always about old age

It is not unusual for seniors to ignore subtle eye symptoms, such as decreased vision or sensitivity to bright lights. They often chalk these symptoms up to getting older and the natural aging process of the eyes. While it is normal to experience less clear vision as your eyes age, these subtle signs can be related to serious eye issues that need to be corrected.  

Age increases the risk of eye problems

Macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma are all eye conditions that can develop at any time in life, but senior citizens are at an increased risk of developing these serious eye problems. A routine eye exam can detect these conditions when they are in the early stages. Starting treatment for these conditions can keep them under control and protect your vision.

You do not need to fear an eye exam

Sometimes seniors put off having an eye exam because they do not like having their eyes dilated or they have a fear of medical exams in general. Eye exams are not painful, and they can be completed in a relatively short period of time. A few things that can help alleviate your fears are finding an eye doctor you feel comfortable with, scheduling an appointment early in the day so you do not have to think about it all day, and having someone go along to the visit with you.

It can be easy to forget about going for a routine eye exam. This often occurs because life gets busy, or people do not realize how much time has passed since their last eye exam. Making it a habit to keep regular eye exam appointments is the best way to keep your eyes healthy and address any issues before they become troublesome.

For more information, contact a company like Elhosn Eye & Aesthetics.
