An Eye for an Eye

Why Are Routine Eye Exams Important?

Optometrists specialize in eye health and eye care. These doctors can perform eye exams to test patients' eye health, peripheral vision, visual acuity, and more. People who wear optical goods should see their eye doctor annually, but everyone can benefit from regular eye exams. Here are four reasons that it's important to see have routine eye examinations:

1. Keep your glasses prescription current

Eye doctors can write prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses. You can keep the same pair of eyeglasses indefinitely as long as your vision doesn't change. However, many people experience fluctuations in their visual acuity throughout their lives. It's not uncommon for a person's vision to gradually worsen over the years until it finally stabilizes. Seeing your eye doctor annually will allow them to update your prescription as necessary. A current prescription will allow you to purchase eyeglasses that help you see clearly so you can perform your daily tasks effectively.

2. Treat eye diseases as they arise

Certain diseases and disorders can affect your eyes. Glaucoma can occur when a person's intraocular pressure is higher than normal. Cataracts may form as a person gets older. Both of these conditions can impair your vision, potentially permanently. Routine eye exams will help your eye doctor protect your vision. When eye diseases are diagnosed promptly, they can be treated before they cause irreversible damage. Your eye doctor will perform a number of tests at your eye exam, which will allow them to find problems that might otherwise go undetected.

3. Develop a professional relationship with an eye doctor

Most people will only need to see an eye doctor annually or biannually. However, eye-related emergencies can happen at any time. Eye infections and injuries should be promptly treated by a specialist. If you need antibiotics or surgery to treat an emergency eye condition, an established doctor-patient relationship with an eye doctor can help. Seeing an eye doctor regularly will help you establish a rapport with them. 

4. Keep your eyes comfortable

Some eye conditions aren't dangerous, but they may be uncomfortable. For instance, dryness can cause your eyes to itch and burn. Dry eyes can be caused by genetic predisposition, medication, or even irritation. Your eye doctor can help you combat the effects of dry eyes if you alert them to the problem. Medicated eye drops can provide long-lasting relief for people who don't produce enough tears on their own.

Contact a local optometrist to learn more about eye exams.
